Saturday, October 26, 2024



  Swamped aka You Axed For It  

 aka Let's Agree to Bury the Hatchet, 

 Mr. Cleaver... But Not in My Head! 

 Welcome, dear fiends, 
 to Part 2 of my 2024 



 E E E E E K ! ! ! 
 Just in time for Halloween, 
 meet another group of 

 the shouting stars of cool  
 cult horror movies! 


"Madness" (live) - Hedda Mae feat.
The Feelgood Orchestra (Sept. 2021)

Kicking-off the show, that was the fabulous Hedda Mae, an indie pop
singer from Bergen, Norway, fronting The Feelgood Orchestra,
a Norwegian event band, setting the mood with an exciting
live performance of her original song "Madness."

 Happy Halloween and welcome to Vol. 2 of


I'm Leandra Florez, leading lady of the 2016
horror thriller movie The Belko Experiment.


I'll tell you what madness is. I and my coworkers at the Bogotá, Colombia,
branch office of Belko Industries (maker of fine widgets for every occasion)
were going about our beeswax, when suddenly the building was locked
down and we were forced to play a deadly game of kill or be killed.

Failure to meet our "kill quota" by the deadline in any given round
would result in our heads exploding like Gallagher's watermelons. 

  The Belko Experiment was penned and produced by James Gunn,
who was once married (in real life) to "Pam" from The Office.

 Small world!

 So anyway, I hope you'll watch the homicidal hijinks
that unfold in The Belko Experiment.
It's fun for the whole family!


Hi, I'm "Rose." Believe it or not, I was born in
Bogotá, Colombia. Small world indeed!

 Typically when a character in a horror film only has
one name, like "Rose," it means they are gonna die.

 However, I have been lucky enough to survive two
movies in the grisly slasher comedy series Hatchet.

  Yep, I was "final girl" in Hatchet II (2010)...

and again in Hatchet IV...

 a 2017 sequel also known as Victor Crowley.

 You've heard of "too pretty for prison."

 Seems director Adam Green thought I was too cute to get the ax!

In the Hatchet series, groups of clueless tourists and film-
makers are stranded on the bayou where they are terrorized,
attacked and ripped to shreds by swamp thing Victor Crowley...

... the vengeful spirit of a deformed and
bullied boy who died with an ax in his head.

(above) Welcome Wagon chairman Victory Crowley
rolls out the red (blood-soaked) carpet for his guests.


As you try to find your way back out of the dark swamp and escape to freedom,
you need to remember one thing, and this is key: By the time you hear Victor's
creepy howl... it's too late - your as good as dead, bucko! He's a maniac,
maniac, that's for sure And he's killing like he's never killed before!

"Maniac" - Michael Sembello cover
by Diamante (October 2022)



Hi, I'm "The Pregnant Girl" aka "Pregnant Woman" in Circle.
 Imagine that, folks. I get top billing as the star of the movie,
and yet the studio cheapskates couldn't spring for a name!

Circle is a tense 2015 sci-fi psychological horror-thriller based on 
12 Angry Mena 1957 courtroom drama directed by Sidney Lumet.

Leandra Florez thought she had it tough in The Belko Experiment,
but wait until you hear what I go thru in the deadly game of Circle.
I'd gladly trade places with the contestants on Squid Game!

50 random strangers are beamed aboard an alien spacecraft and forced to stand
in a circle and participate in a deadly game of elimination. Every two minutes,
a death ray emerges from the floor and zaps one of the people in the circle.

The group can either vote for who is next to die or let the aliens choose for them.
The game continues until only one person is left and, as the "winner," is set free.

I don't have a name either...

...and I want my mommy!

I'm "The Little Girl," the youngest player in the Circle.
As if it were any consolation, I finally got a name
near the end of the flick - "Katie."

 In the Circle game, I am positioned right next to The Pregnant Girl.

 We bond and form an alliance as we compete against people of all ages,
races, shapes and sizes in this terrifying event staged by the aliens so
that they can study human behavior.  There has to be a better way!

Katie and I have one thing working in our favor. Few (not all) of
the players are willing to execute a pregnant woman or a little girl.


Yet, only one contestant can survive this sadistic game. Who will it be?
Needless to say, everyone in the Circle is-- "Livin' On A Prayer!"

"Livin' On A Prayer" - Bon Jovi cover
by Alex Goot (Feb. 2013)

If you're just tuning in, this is


 ... another Shady's Place/S-P-M-M radio exclusive!


Greetings to one and all. I am
Ghost Doll Nadja.

... the cute, cuddly, potty-mouth ghost/doppelganger mini-me doll
that belongs to the Romani vampire Nadja of Antipaxos on
What We Do In The Shadows, the FX mockumentary
 comedy horror TV series set on Staten Island.

I will now turn this drab affair into an out-and-out
Balkan blowout as I bring you my segment called
Party Doll Nadja.

As the Ghost of Nadja, I am more than 500 years old, but I don't look a day over 18.

That is because I have inhabited this cute little doll.

 Yes, it is true. I have the ability to inhabit people,
animals and even inanimate objects... Shady Del Knight.

 Inhabiting is what I do. Inhabiting is a hard habit to break. 

I am already getting hundreds of song requests, but only have time
to play two. I am well versed in popular music. Since I have been
around for centuries, I was there at the very start of rock & roll
...the big bang we now refer to as "Milli Vanilli." 

Ladies and germs...
back by unpopular
demand and offering
you the very beast of
entertainment, here he
is - The Crooner from
the Black Lagooner -
the lame, tired, cringe-
worthy lounge act
The Creature Sings
- doing a song he's
dedicating to little
old me. How sweet! 


Put your hands together (around his neck and squeeze) for Gill Mann!

"Rag Doll" - 4 Seasons cover by
The Creature Sings feat. Gill Mann
(September 2022)

The Creature Sings, everybody! Please give him
a great big hand... (across his mouth).


  Pay him a fin and he's happy, because he works for scale.


How dare you call me Rag Doll, Gill Mann!  I'll have you know that
I've gone from rags to riches as the breakout star of my hit TV show.
I admit that I have given some wooden performances in my time...


but, after catching your act (with a rod and reel), I have
concluded that you, my flippered friend, take chintzy to
the next level, so don't bother fishing for compliments.


When it comes to recognizing true talent... I'm no dummy.
For my second and last play of the day, I present the
dynamic duo that appeared along with Gill Mann
in Shadyween Part 1 a few weeks ago. 


I am proud to reintroduce two of the brightest stars of musician,
producer and talent scout Andrei Cerbu's Romanian band camp.
Here are Beatrice Florea and Giulia Sirbu, performing as
Shut Up & Kiss Me!... covering the Bee Gees' 1979
chart-topping international hit "Too Much Heaven!"

"Too Much Heaven" - Bee Gees cover
by Shut Up & Kiss Me! (Sept. 2024)

I hope you liked the songs I played. If not, you can
pound sand and bark at the moon. See if I care.

Now this is your Ghostess With the Mostest, Ghost Nadja,
bidding you farewell.  See you next time on...
Party Doll Nadja!


I'm Bree - no last name - which doesn't bode well in a horror movie.

As you can see, I took my ugly pill this morning.

But seriously, folks, here's the deal.

 I'm the buzzworthy blonde responsible for the hottest
scene in the history of the Friday the 13th franchise.

It's found in the 2009 sequel Friday the 13th, Part 80:

Jason's Back Stabbin' in the Cabin.

So, here's what happened.  I started out a happy camper.

Upon arriving, it felt so good taking a dip in Crystal Lake.

In the next reel, I took a dip (named Trent) in a cabin bedroom...
but I'm getting ahead of myself.


So anyway, as I was skinny dipping all by my lonesome, I suddenly
felt a chill in the air.  I sensed the presence of Camp Crystal Lake's
resident bad boy, notorious masked slasher Jason Voorhees, who
makes a habit of stalking, ambushing and killing campers like
me and my friends. To flesh out the details for you, here are
Jason and his band The Merkins with "At The Camp Tonight!"

"At The Camp Tonight" - parody of Phil Collins'
"In The Air Tonight" by Jason Voorhees
and The Merkins (March 2020)

I wasn't about to let my silly concerns about Jason spoil my good time.

Eager to get the party started, I consumed
mass quantities and got my groove on.

  My suggestive twerking got fellow camper Trent so worked up

that he dragged me off to a private room. 

There we played a rousing game of Snakes and Ladders (euphemism).


Trent and I were so busy pickin' wild mountain berries (euphemism)...
and playing hide the hot dog (euphemism) that we didn't even notice... 

HE'S BACK!.....

The Man Behind The Mask!


"The Man Behind The Mask" - Alice Cooper
(Halloween 1986, highest chart pos. #4 Sweden,
$61 UK, from Oct. 1986 album Constrictor)

Darn it!  Being the hottest female ever to appear in a Friday the 13th film...

I expected to survive Jason's onslaught and emerge as the "Final Girl." 

But Trent and I forgot the cardinal rule of slasher flicks. 

If you make whoopee... you must die.

So yeah... bummer... I didn't make the cut.

 That's Jason's specialty.

And so I was voted off the island. Poor me.

 Hopefully, my twin sister will show up in the cast of a future sequel.

Well, that concludes my portion of our Scream Queens special.


To add the finishing touch, once again it's "hammer time." Here's my buddy,
my pal, my new beast fiend (he's a real cut-up at parties) - Jason Voorhees -
singing his signature song "With Every Life I Take... I'll Be Stalking You." 

"Every Life I Take (I'll Be Stalking You)" parody
of The Police song "Every Breath You Take"
by Jason Voorhees and The Merkins
(Halloween 2019) 


My name is Mae Louise Dodd.

Think I look like Hannah from the TV sitcom Blockbuster?
I get that a lot.

Never even heard of the TV series Blockbuster?  I get that a lot, too. 

 Nope, I'm not Hannah. As I said, I'm Mae, star of the 2022
suspense thriller Netflix series Devil in Ohio.

 I'm a spooky teenage girl who escaped a devil-worshipping cult out
in the boonies. Yep, the devil went down to Georgia, but his fan club is
headquartered here in the Buckeye state, and my daddy's the president.

 Daddy dearest asked me to do the human sacrifice thing and
volunteer to be burned at the stake to please Satan.  Not keen
on the idea, I blew that pop stand and ran away to the suburbs.

I'm looking for a forever home with a nice family...
and I'm potty trained.  Any takers?


For more on my story, here's a no-name band of session musicians
assembled by Randy Walker, veteran touring and studio drummer
and owner of 22 Media Production Studio in Scottsdale, Arizona.


The group includes Greg Smith of the Ted Nugent band on bass and vocals,
Jason Hartless of the Ted Nugent band on drums, and backing vocals by
Alyssa Simmons. Let's call them the 22 Media Band, and here
they are doing Cliff Richard's 1976 hit-- “Devil Woman!”

"Devil Woman" - Cliff Richard cover
by the 22 Media Band (July 2020)


I'm just plain Grace, star of the 2019 horror film Halloween Party.

Here's the gist.  My friends and I are a group of college kids
in search of a quality education cheap Halloween thrills.

 On a dare, we decide to play a mysterious computer game
that requires you to name your deepest, darkest fear.

Ask yourself this, friends.  In a low budget horror movie,
does it ever turn out well when bored teens do that?


Here again is Hedda Mae, the exciting young Norwegian
popper you met at the top of the show, explaining that
what happens next in my flick is sheer-- "Madness!"

"Madness" (official music video)- Hedda Mae
(September 2020)

Rose from the Victor Crowley - Hatchet films back with you.

Well, I see by the old clock on the wall... there's a squished spider.
Time to wrap up the show... (and bury it six feet under).

We hope you enjoyed this second edition of


and the chance to meet more new members of The Shady Bunch.
Watch for the next volume of our series coming soon, and be sure
to check out The Belko Experiment, the Hatchet - Victor Crowley
slasher movies, Circle, What We Do In The Shadows,
Friday the 13th (2009), Devil In Ohio and
Halloween Party. You'll laugh. You'll cry.
You'll throw up in your mouth a little.  


  To play us off, here's teenage drum whiz Anna Elise, host of the YouTube
channel Mistakes Have Been Made, blazing through The Munsters theme.
Now for all the Scream Queens, this is Rose (no last name) saying
so long and remember our slogan - "Life can be a scream!"

"Munsters Theme" drum cover by Anna Elise
#Mistakes Have Been Made (Oct. 2021)

 Howl of Fame: 









  1. You certainly have the scream queens and creepy dolls covered in this post, Shady! Modern slash and gore isn't really my cup of tea, but I do love all the other trappings of Halloween like ghosties and ghoulies and skeletons. 👻💀

    Pat and I are wishing you and Mrs. Shady lots of treats without the tricks this week.

    1. Hi, Kelly & Pat!

      You win the gold this time, dear friend! Thanks a lot for coming over early to sample the tunes and terrors in my Part 2 H-ween post.

      If I were to remove all of the frightening images from horror movies and thrillers, leaving only the music videos, I think you might agree there is a very pleasant selection of nicely performed cover songs in the post, along with the catchy original by dance-popper Hedda Mae. I took the full ride first thing this morning, thoroughly enjoyed the musical lineup and wound up with a few earworms that have been playing on repeat in my noggin ever since.

      Thanks again for being the first to arrive, dear friend Kelly. Happy Halloween to you, to my buddy Pat and to your entire canine clan. I'll be back in action around the 23rd of November and hope to see you then!

  2. Ghost Doll Nadja! Well played. We just watched an episode of that show last night.
    I've watched a lot of horror films over the years and it amazes me how many have come out that I have never heard of, let alone seen.

    1. Hi, Alex!

      Second place honors and the coveted silver medallion are yours and yours alone, good buddy. Thanks for hustling over on your weekend!

      I knew you'd appreciate the segment hosted (ghosted?) by Ghost Doll Nadja. Mrs. Shady and I howled our way through every episode of the show. Along with that hilarious mockumentary TV series, each and every one of these scary movies have earned the Shady Del Knight Zeal of Approval. I believe you would especially enjoy Circle. If you choose to watch it, may I remind you -- please... no wagering.

      Thanks again for taking second place in the race, good buddy Alex. Happy H-ween to you and your family!

  3. Of the covers, I liked Diamante's "Maniac" the best. Maybe it's the gender change. I also like the rotoscoping (which I assume is digital.) And the Munsters theme is hard to resist. I was half-expecting Fred Gwynne to show up. That's the first I heard or seen the Alice Cooper song or video. He's scary enough without a mask!

    1. Hi, Kirk!

      Thanks for visiting early, good buddy. You capture the bronze!!!

      I'm pleased that you singled out the talented singer Diamante. I discovered her channel a few years ago and have plucked several of her exciting performances for use in SPMM posts. When I was in TV production, we called that video enhancement technique "cartooning."

      I am also delighted that you gave a favorable nod to the drummer girl at the end of the post This is the second or third time I have featured Anna from the Y/T channel Mistakes Have Been Made. She specializes in drum covers of hard rock and heavy metal anthems, making her choice of "The Munsters Theme" an unexpected surprise.

      That video for Alice Cooper's single "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)" aired in heavy rotation on the MTV station where I was working at the time. I never get tired of watching it.

      Thanks again for dropping in early on your weekend, good buddy Kirk. Take care of yourself, keep The Reaper in line and here's hoping we both have something to smile about when we reconnect on or about November 23 when I return with my next post.

  4. The covers aren't bad but the original's are better in my opinion. I love Alice Cooper.

    The Belko Experiment was a good movie, I enjoyed that one.
    I saw Hatchet but not the second one.
    I've always liked the Friday the 13th movies. I have a light up cabin from Camp Crystal Lake that I put out as a Halloween decoration each year.

    Lots of good stuff here just in time for Halloween. I hope you have a nice Halloween. Don't eat too much candy.

    1. Hi, Mary!

      Thanks for coming over bright and early on your Saturday, dear friend! Yay - the blog gremlins left your comment alone again this time!

      Glad you got a giggle out of Alice Cooper's "Man Behind The Mask" video. My MTV station played that vid to death because our viewers loved it and requested it often.

      I'm very happy to know that you have seen The Belko Experiment. If you liked the plot of that film, you will probably also like Circle, a disturbing suspense thriller in which 50 randomly selected citizens are beamed aboard an alien spacecraft and zapped one by one by a death ray. Every two minutes they must "vote somebody off the island" - meaning they must select the next person in the group to die - or else the aliens will decide for them.

      There are now four Hatchet films, all featuring Victor Crowley, a swamp creature who always has an ax to grind. Makers of the series hope to elevate Crowley to the status of 21st century horror icon, joining another fast-rising up-and-comer - slasher mime Art The Clown from Terrifier and its sequels. Cool that they manufacture and you own a Camp Crystal Lake cabin for use as a Halloween decoration. I was stunned the first time I watched the 2009 release of Friday The 13th and witnessed the red hot cabin whoopee scene featuring blonde beauty Julianna Guill as Bree. I'm pretty sure it is the most explicit scene in the history of the franchise. Purely for research purposes, I have since watched that scene 1,477 more times. :)

      I hope you and my buddy Falcor are well and in good spirits. Thanks again for experiencing the Halloween fun at Shady's Place, dear friend Mary. I'll be over to see you again tomorrow, and I wish you and your family a fun holiday. Look for me to return with my next post on November 23.

  5. Hi there friend Shady! You certainly have a mixture of beauty and the beast here. I like the covers of Maniac and Livin' on a Prayer. Had to close my eyes during Rag Doll - LOL. I remember watching The Munsters. Seems like so long ago!

    Hope you and Mrs. Shady have a nice Halloween. We are not doing anything special and our neighborhood is relatively quiet so I'll probably spend the evening in the studio.

    1. Hi, Janet!

      As always, I am excited to see you, dear friend! Thanks for coming on day one and for bringing with you my buddy Benny. I hope you are both well and in good spirits, and that goes for Bill and his mother, too.

      Bingo! Thanks for being the first person to single out Alex Goot and his superb Bon Jovi cover. I was very impressed with the quality of his one-man-band performance. You are also the second person to say they like Diamante's cover of that famous song from Flashdance by Michael Sembello.

      Yessum, The Creature is back, and this time covering Frankie Valli. If you close your eyes and listen to his singing, and do the same with the guys singing lead on those two gory parodies by Jason Voorhees and The Merkins covering hit songs by Phil Collins and The Police, you realize that they are all quite good and have real vocal talent.

      Once again I thank you for your devotion as a friend and follower, Janet. It means a lot to me. I look forward to reconnecting with you when I return with my next post on the 23rd of November. I hope by then the high anxiety we have been experiencing this election year will have eased and we will have good reason to feel joyful. In the meantime, please take good care of yourself and Benny and have a happy Halloween, dear friend Janet!

  6. I'm here! Sorry for not being able to post but I was visiting Graves yesterday...boooo. I went with my mom's best friend, Brigitte, and we cleaned up the grave and placed a little something down for her husband and my parents this post works in nicely considering where I was. Those vocals who did Maniac and the others ate great. That boy who looks a bit nerdy did a great job!
    My heart belongs to gill man and his rendition of that oldie but goodie. I love What We Do In The Shadows but have only seen 4 episodes when I had Prime for free. Live the psychic vampire and I knew one in University who, thankfully, never called me but constantly called my ex. HD actually apologized for being a psychic vampire. It's sad to say but I heard he committed suicide. On that happy note, love the funny words Vorhoos sang to 2 famous songs. . Love all of these to be honest and that gal on the drums is excellent! We just bought the whole Munster series and I'm enjoying it. Can't wait to watch the movies and the documentaries on Yvonne DeCarlo and Fred Gwynne.
    There are so many slasher flicks out there that you laugh knowing who's going to get it. That gal with the killer body ( badabump) will die cos she's a slur, the tolen black guy and the nerd. Usually, the brainy ch8ck will live..brainy is loosely termed since she'd never go to this sex romp and she runs down the road in high heels and falls. How the killer who movers slower than a sloth catches up to her is beyond me. Wishing you a happy O' Hallows' Eve at the end of Nov. The president is determined and a Happy Halloween.


I wanna know
What you're thinking
There are some things you can't hide
I wanna know
What you're feeling
Tell me what's on your mind