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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes


For Dating My Teenage Daughter
for the next phase of my blogging career.


"Bermuda" - Linda Scott
(Feb./Mar. 1962, highest chart pos. #16 Easy Listening,
#70 Hot 100/#78 Cash Box)

"Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes"
Jimmy Buffett (2016 live perf.)

Kicking off my "comeback special," that was the late, great Jimmy Buffett,
pioneer of the Gulf & Western music genre aka The Key West Sound,
with "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes." Released in
1977, the ditty was a hit on the Pop, Easy Listening
and Country charts in the U.S. and in Canada. 

Before that, you heard Linda Sampson of Queens, NY, better known as
Linda Scott, do her version of "Bermuda." Released at the start of 1962,
Linda's single was a cover of a top 10 hit from exactly ten years earlier,
February, 1952, a song written by 16 year old Cynthia Strother and
recorded by Cynthia and her 11 year old sister Kay, an act billed
as The Bell Sisters. Linda Scott's cover made the top 20 on
the Adult Contemporary chart, while another cover by
Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, released
around the same time, failed to chart. 

Greetings and salutations!
  I am The Geator With The Heater Shady Del Knight...
finally back from my prolonged hiatus. Yessum, five
whole months have passed since my last post.

"April Come She Will" - Simon & Garfunkel
acoustic cover by Boyce Avenue (Aug. 2023)

That was Alejandro Manzano, lead singer and acoustic guitarist
for the Sarasota, Florida-based band Boyce Avenue, with a fine
cover of "April Come She Will," the hit Simon And Garfunkel
song featured in the 1967 Dustin Hoffman film The Graduate.

To get you back up to speed... in case you
blotted it out of your mind forever
eagerly erased it from your memory
just plain forgot... I needed to break away from the blogging
community for a prolonged period of time while Mrs. Shady
and I moved far away from Florida, the place we had called
home since the 1980s. Exiting Florida was a bittersweet
experience because we needed to leave behind
several of Mrs. Shady's family members.

Here we stand, worlds apart,
hearts broken in two, two, two...

"Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" - Journey
cover by Zero Hour (Mar. 2023)

That was the great sound of Zero Hour, a brand new cover band
from Akron, Ohio, with their rendition of the 1983 Journey
hit "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)." 

So, to get back to my story, I am now coming to you from my
new home "way up north" as the Johnny Horton song goes.
Further clues to help you pinpoint my exact location
can be found in the lyrics to that 1960 hit:

Way up North (North to Alaska)
Way up North (North to Alaska)
North to Alaska, we go North, the rush is on
North to Alaska, we go North, the rush is on

Big Sam left Seattle in the year of '92
With George Pratt, his partner, and brother Billy too
They crossed the Yukon River and found the Bonanza gold
Below that old white mountain, just a little South-East of Nome

 Yessum... the autumn winds blow chilly and cold... but I was
thrilled to see colored leaves for the first time since 1983... and
I'm looking forward to building a snowman in the months ahead.
I am delighted to have a new wife life but, along with this new
life, I have new and greater responsibilities, making it necessary
for me to adjust my priorities. To be frank (as opposed to Tom),
I cannot and will not be spending as much time blogging.

With that in mind, I now present...
 simple rules
for the next phase of my blogging career.


From now on, I will be operating on a significantly reduced blogging schedule.
I will continue to publish new posts, but only once a month, not every five
to seven days as I have been doing for more than 15 years. Yessum, it's
drastic cutback, but the alternative would be for me to quit blogging
entirely. Many times in recent years I have considered doing just that,
 because I am getting tired of having to deal with persistent technical
problems on Blogger and Wordpress, and the YouTube Secret Police
 who apparently get their jollies routinely deleting music videos on
grounds of copyright infringement, the latter making it especially
difficult and frustrating for someone who operates a music blog.


As I have always done in the past, I will continue to reply to comments
submitted by loyal friends and reciprocate by visiting their sites, reading
their posts and leaving thoughtful comments. However, given my
added responsibilities and time limitations, my visits to other
sites will be necessarily less frequent and my comments
 brief.  It's either that or quit blogging entirely.


Here is another major change. Whenever I publish a new post,
 I will remain on "active status" that day plus two additional days -
three days in all.  At the end of that three day period, I will revert
to "inactive status" and go off the grid until I resurface with my
next post. It means I will not be present on the blog circuit to
reply to late comments on my posts or to visit other blogs and
read and comment on new posts friends publish in the interim.
That's all I am able and willing to do from now on. It's either
that or quit blogging entirely.


The principle, the rule of thumb from now on, is that if you show up for me,
I will show up for you. One worthwhile comment from you on my site will
result in a reply from me, plus one reciprocal visit to your site and one
worthwhile comment.  For 15 years, I avoided this "tit for tat" style
of blogging - trading comments, one for one - but my new
circumstances dictate that this is how it needs to be.
 It's either that or quit blogging entirely.


To my dismay, I have discovered that some of my posts don't find
their way into wide circulation on blog reading lists, meaning
you might not be aware of them when they are published.
You will need to check to see if I have a new post running.
If we miss each other one month, we can catch up the next.


My new reduced blogging schedule means that I might be skipping
some of my annual birthday tributes. V.I.P. death date observances,
Mother's Day, Father's Day and traditional holiday features.
So be it. If I miss a holiday or tribute post one year, I'll
try to work it into the schedule the following year.
It's not the way I wanted it to be, but it is all I
am able to do going forward. Say it with me:
It's either that or quit blogging entirely.


It was a tough decision for me to adjust to the new normal and downshift
to a diminished presence on the blog circuit. Looking on the bright side,
it's not the end of the world. I will be here enough of the time so that
we can touch base, catch up and maintain our friendship. That is
especially true if you and I are already corresponding by email.
If you and I have not yet established an email connection and
you wish to break the fourth wall and do so, let me know.

So now, as I begin this new chapter of my so-called blogging career,
I would like to reiterate what to me is the most important rule of all,
a common sense principle that has guided me throughout my years
as a blogger. I laid it out in my first post in the summer of 2008:

"Admission is free, but visitors are asked
to bring along three things: a youthful spirit,
a respectful attitude and a sense of humor." 

So let's get back to enjoying each other's company, singing, dancing,
laughing and having fun. That's what teenagers did at the Shady Dell in
the 20th century and the way I want it to be at Shady's Place in the 21st.

Don't touch that dial
Leave it on this station
Shady's gonna make
a special dedication
Oh yeah, oh yeah!

 This one goes out to
dedicated from
dedicated from
and to
dedicated from blog mascot
Toto Moto!

"The Dedication Song" - Freddy Cannon
(Feb./Mar. 1966, highest chart pos. #41 Hot 100/#50 Cash Box,
perf. on Sept. 24, 1966, ep. of The Clay Cole Show, NYC)

Thanks for reading my... 
simple rules
for the next phase of my blogging career.

This was merely an announcement to let you know
what to expect.  It does not count as my November post.
That's coming soon and I'll see you then.

"Oh That's Good, No That's Bad" - Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs
(Mar./Apr. 1967, highest chart pos. #50 Cash Box/#54 Hot 100/#52 Canada)

Have a Shady day, and remember the Shady's Place motto:
 "Never grow up, never grow old."

Oh yesterday's over my shoulder
So I can't look back for too long
There's just too much to see waiting in front of me
And I know that I just can't go wrong

With these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
With all of my running and all of my cunning
If I couldn't laugh I just would go insane


  1. Welcome back dear friend!

    Glad the move went well and you and Mrs. Shady are readjusting.

    I don't blame you with these rules. I'm thinking about the same thing. I didn't have a Halloween comment from you and the reason why I was offline for a few days was Wordpress error. I paid for my yearly subscription - $68 - and a few days ago Wordpress told me that I didn't pay. I was on chat with a live representative and it was their error. I did pay, which reflected on my bank account.

    I may be following suit. While I love sharing my Happiness Box Project, I am in a relationship that is getting to be more serious by the day. David and his dad invited me to move in with them and I will be, towards the end of March. I'm going to be slowly moving the things I can take. This is my first time ever doing anything like this and it's a lot to adjust to.

    Have a great day, dear friend.

    1. Hi, Jessica Marie!

      Glad to see you, dear friend! I'm sorry to learn that a Wordpress error led to my H-ween comment disappearing. At the same time, I am thankful that I was able to comment on your TT post.

      I hear you when it comes to time allocation and management. Shucks, you are already feeling the pinch even though you are only in your 30s. Wait until you are in your 70s like Shady (aka "Grandfather Time"). It's huge that David and his dad have invited you to move in with them. If Mrs. Shady boots me out, do you think I could live there, too? :)

      Thanks again for being the Early Bird for my "comeback special." Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend JM!

    2. Hi Shady,

      I could ask! I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited. David is too. Excited and nervous. Everything I'm reading says that this is normal. Our relationship is going in the right direction.

    3. For that, I am truly thankful, Jessica Marie. You deserve your share of happiness, as do we all.

    4. Thanks, dear friend. We also talked about the big M too. David said by doing this, it's to solidify it.

    5. Keep that ball rolling, dear friend! I'm rooting for you guys.

    6. Thanks, dear friend.

      Last night I told David that for the next few days, I will be needing him emotionally. We're both off on the 7th, I'm off for election day and I'll be working overtime with the mail in ballots. He's going to pick me up at 5, then I told him there is only one thing I want to do for the 7th: I want to hold him close. There may be tears, and he said that would be okay.

    7. David is always there when you need him, and he instinctively knows what to do and how to help. He's a great partner for you, JM.

    8. He really is and for that, I am beyond grateful for him.

    9. Please consider a honeymoon trip to York, dear friend JM, and a pilgrimage to the historic site of the Shady Dell. :)

  2. Hi ho Shady!! I am so in love that you are back even in a limited capacity. I am sad you won’t visit all my posts but I’m am still happy you are here. I love all the photos you have here even if you are still further south from me:). Harley loved to listen and was right beside me. He’s now sleeping in my spot..hahahaa.
    I love the Bermuda song! I never heard it before but it’s enchanting. Why did Jimmy Buffet die..I mean, I understand but he had such a fun way of looking at life and brought so much happiness. The Simon and Garfunkel song is really well done as is the Journey song. She is a great singer.
    You can see that, on my IPad, when I comment it would show as “anonymous
    “ unless I fill out the info and I tried to figure out how to correct it but…nope! I suck at computers. Welcome back and I will enjoy each post and I promise not to be late like I often was. I love your comments and missed you. Take care! Harley says woof🐶

    1. Hi, Birgit!

      I'm excited that you could drop over so early on your weekend, dear friend. Thank you very much! It is very kind of you to express, as you also have repeatedly in emails, how much you've missed my presence in Blogland. You are a wonderful friend, and as I noted in the text, we can connect often via email. I just don't think I can devote as many hours to drafting new posts as I did in the past. Therefore, I need to allow more time between publishing dates.

      I'm tickled pink that my good buddy Harley came along to visit today and appreciated being "immortalized" on the pages of Shady's Place. I'm also glad he enjoyed listening to Freddy Cannon's "Dedication Song." I can picture your pooch bopping to the beat. I can't help noticing that Harley spends a lot of his time snoozing. :) What a life!

      Yessum, "Bermuda" is an enchanting song with intriguing, atypical theme and lyrics. I like all versions I have heard so far, including the original by The Bell Sisters, Linda Scott's cover and the one waxed by The 4 Seasons. I have the latter Gone Records original single in my collection. Yessum, sadly the legendary Jimmy Buffett shuffled off to the Margaritaville in the sky while I was away on hiatus, a big loss to music and entertainment in general. I'm delighted that you liked the covers by Boyce Avenue and Zero Hour. I was thrilled to find both of those videos on YouTube.

      At least your comment didn't get sent to my spam dumpster, dearie. I need to remember to look for friends' comments there. It's just one of the chronic frustrations that have me on the verge of throwing in the towel as a blogger. Thanks to great friends like you, I am inspired to keep going.

      You are so sweet, Birgit. It's a great feeling to be appreciated, and I feel the same about you. Thanks for bringing your smooch-pooch Harley over to see me this morning. Take care and have wonderful and restful weekend, dear friend BB!

  3. I very much enjoyed watching that Jimmy Buffett video, not just for the song itself, but for the enthusiastic fan base that guy had amassed. I myself was only a casual fan of Buffett, but I always enjoy watching more dedicated fans get in the spirit of things (as long as it doesn't reach fascistic proportions.)

    1. Hi, Kirk!

      Thanks for coming by, good buddy. You capture the bronze!!!

      Like you, I was merely a casual Jimmy Buffet fan, but I too appreciate that "CIL-CIA" video because it illustrates the intoxicating effect his laid-back, good timey songs had on fans and how many there were - a diverse mix from here, there and everywhere.

      Thanks again for dropping in on my first official day back on the blog circuit. Take care and enjoy your weekend, good buddy Kirk!

  4. Welcome back, Tom!

    I get exactly where you're coming from with your return to Blogosphere with a new limited schedule. Life is more than spending one's time plastered sitting for hours in front of a monitor. I'm thinking along the same line as you but haven't committed to doing it just yet but I believe change in attitude is on the way.

    It's so funny, I visited your site earlier in the week because I knew you'd be launching a new post this month and when I didn't see it, I was disappointed but understood. You've gone through some amazing changes in the past five months and with our cool temperatures this week I thought of you wondering if you were enjoying your first fall after many years of being away.

    I appreciated the introduction of the two new-to-me cover bands. I will check out these artists more on YouTube. I'll be looking forward to your visits on CAAC whenever the timing is good for you. No worries here, I do get the need to scale back and am sending you nothing but happy vibes, dear friend. And, if we don't cross paths before December, then I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Hugs and love you and Mrs. Shady!!

    1. Hi, Cathy!

      Thanks for setting aside time during your weekend to come over and join me, dear friend. I appreciate it!

      Yessum, some of us who have been at the blogging game for a significant number of years are doing some soul searching these days, wondering if perhaps we should "downshift." Blogging, if you are determined to do a good job of it, eats up gobs of time. The five months I spent away from the grind showed me how much I was neglecting other aspects of my life. Now more than ever, I understand Mrs. Shady's sentiment that I was spending way too many hours at the keyboard every week. It can be hard to change old habits and to feel obligated to participate in hops and challenges, but once you dare to break away from blogging or at least scale back to some extent, you discover that the sun still comes up in the morning. You may even find that you actually gain a new sense of freedom and pride in accomplishing more in other areas of your life.

      Yessum, I am sincere when I tell you that I am loving the cool and even the cold weather I have experienced up here, 1000+ miles north of my old home in Florida. The overnight temperature has dipped into the upper 20s twice so far, with some daytime highs only in the upper 40s, but I am enjoying getting outdoors and taking brisk walks in the cold. We live in an area where it is usually breezy and sometimes windy, so the "feels like" temperature with wind chill factored in will surely test my tolerance for the cold this winter. I look forward to it! I had a doctor appointment the other day and arrived a half hour early. Instead of going inside to the waiting room, I sat outside the building on a bench so that I could gaze at the brilliant red-orange leaves on a tree in the parking lot. The temp was in the mid 40s. I was overcome with joy by the glorious sight and the invigorating air!

      Thank you again, very much, for your kind visit and for understanding my 8 Simple Rules going forward. As great longtime email chums, we will always stay close, no worries about that. I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving as well. Hope the new baby is doing fine. I will be back with my next post right after T-giving and look forward to reconnecting at that time.

      Have a safe and happy weekend. Bless you, dear friend Cathy!

    2. Tom,

      I'm so happy you're enjoying your new life in your new environment. That's wonderful! I appreciated your visit this morning. I still struggle with keeping up since September's events. Often times, I feel out of tune. I believe it's time that I do the same in regards to blogging schedule. Like you, I know I'm neglecting other aspects and I'm ready to change that. There's more to each than being in front of a computer, even if it's fun.
      I know we won't lose touch with each other, even though I've been horrible at emailing. I know I probably owe you a response and I will get around to it. Continue to enjoy each beautiful new day that's given to you and I hope y'all have a blessed Thanksgiving!

    3. Thank you, sweet friend! I haven't forgotten that you suffered a terrible loss a couple of months ago. I still feel very badly about it. Soon, I will be remembering my own dad who died on Christmas Day, a dismal coincidence that has tainted the special holiday every year since 2001.

      If you scale back your rate of blogging, I won't question it one bit, nor will I question if you decide to continue full throttle. Blogging is an individual choice, a journey, and it is up to each of us to determine that the pace we set is in our best interest and that of our loved ones.

      I certainly am enjoying every day, especially now that the temperature is dropping. You really can't even think straight when you are plagued by relentless heat and humidity like I was all those years in Florida. Up here, the cold clean air clears my head and makes me feel more alive than I have in 40 years!

      Thanks again for your wonderful comments and faithful friendship over these many years. Blessings to you and your family, dear friend Cathy, especially LA and the new baby.

  5. I'm glad you're back even in a limited capacity. Are you going to have a certain day of the month that you publish a blog post? Sounds pretty cold where you are now. Falcor thanks you for the shoutout. I hope you find time to have some fun while you're not blogging.

    1. Hi, Mary!

      It's great to have you over, dear friend, and thanks for coming!

      Aha - just as I suspected, I found your comment in my spam folder! Some things never change. Anyway I'm very happy to see you and my good buddy Falcor back here at Shady's Place Music & Memories. I'm pleased that Falcor appreciated the shoutout and the song dedicated to him from his sweetie-pie Annabelle, friend YaYa's dog in Ohio.

      No, I won't have a certain day of the month to publish. I want to play it loose. I plan to publish my next post right after Thanksgiving and then one more just before Christmas to conclude 2023. To start 2024, I might have one in late January, the next one in mid February for V-day, one in early March and one for April Fools Day, but that could all change.

      Yessum, it's a gray and chilly day here, but I am very happy to be far away from the Florida steam bath. Don't forget. I came from PA originally, so for me, this cross country move was going home again.

      Thanks again for the kind visit and comment, dear friend Mary. Please play (or sing) "The Dedication Song" to Falcor one more time and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    2. I lived in West Virginia for one year and all that snow was too much for me. lol

      I'll keep an eye out on your blog then to see when you are posting. I'm glad you caught my comment in spam, I have to check my spam every day now it seems because there's always at least a few comments there.

    3. Hi again Mary!

      Ironically, your follo-up comment was published w/o any problem. I suppose the blog gremlins' policy is to dole out only one hassle per customer per visit. :)

      Mrs. Shady also lived in West Virginia for a while. Where we now live, it hasn't actually snowed the last two winters. I am hoping that changes and we see white stuff this year. It will be my first time experiencing snow first hand in 40 years!

      Thanks for keeping an eye out for my new posts and for comments trapped in the spam dungeon. Please hug my buddy Falcor for me, dear friend Mary. I wish you and your family a safe, quiet and problem-free week!

  6. Welcome back, Shady!! I have read all your rules and I'm now checking the box saying I agree to the new terms and conditions. ✔️ I no longer use a reader, but will make a point of checking your blog from my "blog roll" every week so I (hopefully) won't miss any of your posts. Life always has to come first and I've always said it's not an obligation to read or comment on every post every person has. So.... I won't be hurt if you don't comment on all mine. (I'm averaging about five or six a month, I think).

    I'm glad you got to see some fall color this year. We actually have had some nice color in my part of Arkansas this year. Again, welcome back and Pat says hello, too!

    1. Hi, Kelly!

      I'm excited to see you, dear friend! Thanks for swinging over on your Saturday and for bringing my buddy Pat along. FYI - that Freddy Cannon hit was dedicated to Pat from Benny, friend Janet's bowwow in the greater San Francisco area.

      You are sweet to pledge extra effort to stay current on my posts so you don't miss any of the Shady's Place fun. Rest assured that our friendship will remain intact even if we miss each other some months. After all, we were just "apart" nearly five months and had no problem picking up where we left off and getting back into the groove.

      Yessum, my eyes have been popping for weeks on end up here as the leaves on the trees in my region turned bright red, orange, gold and yellow. Imagine, this was my first opportunity to see beautiful autumn leaves first hand in 40 years! I'm happy to know that the leaves put on a colorful show for you there in Arkansas as well.

      Thank you again for your warm welcome and splendid comment, dear friend Kelly. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. Shady! Good to hear from you. You've been on my mind. Sorry I only thought of emailing you. Sorry you are downsizing, but then, I pretty much just post once a month now. Florida to Alaska? Wow! What a huge change. But bet it is gorgeous there. Again, good to hear from you.

    1. Hi, Alex!

      It's a pleasant surprise to have you drop in, good buddy! Thanks a lot for keeping me in mind all these months.

      I also thank you for understanding the reasons why I need to tap the brakes and slow down the pace of my blogging activity. At my age, and after 15 years of setting a rather ambitious pace, it's time for me to withdraw a bit and spend more time in the "real" world.

      I am genuinely enjoying my new life up here in the north. I was only kidding when I wrote those lyrics hinting that I moved to Alaska. I actually returned to the mid-Atlantic region where I spent the first half of my life. It's great to be back "home" and the fall scenery is indeed gorgeous.

      Thanks again for checking in and checking out my "comeback" feature, good buddy Alex. Enjoy your Sunday and the week ahead!

  8. Hi Shady/Tom and welcome back, welcome back! I've been thinking of your posting today and this was my first chance to get to my computer to see how life was going for you and what music would fill the air here at the Pines. A few minutes ago Jack walked by and stopped and said: "Are you rocking out here?" My response..."Shady's back!" Your choices today were great and I enjoyed them all but especially Jimmy Buffett as his songs were always played in the OR back when I was there full time. April Come She Will was always a fav of my from S&G and this cover was beautiful. That song always makes me feel sad but I still love it and I'm going to go back and listen again. One of my dear friends is going through a hard time and yesterday and today were ones that she needed a friend for sure. Her hubby was put in hospice and time is short. They met and married later in life after failed marriages but have had a wonderful life together. We hosted their wedding reception in our backyard when we lived in town. So a little sad song fits the mood here just a bit but having you back in blog land, even on a limited schedule is a happy note. Enjoy your new digs and I'm betting you will beat me with snowfall this year! (Even if we did get a dusting on Halloween!) Take care friend!!

    1. Hi, YaYa!

      Welcome back to your home away from home - Shady's Place Music & Memories, dear friend! I'm thrilled to see you again!

      You just made me laugh out loud telling how Jack walked by your computer nook and asked about the rockin' racket, and all you needed to say to him was "Shady's back!" That's priceless, dear friend, and I thank you for sharing the funny anecdote. I'm glad you enjoyed the musical menu in my comeback special, especially Jimmy Buffett. It's neat that they used to play his material in the OR. I'm also delighted that you appreciate Boyce Avenue's cover of the wistful S&G song "April Come She Will." It always makes me sad, too, because it reminds us how quickly time passes and how much circumstances, people and relationships can change as it does. That won't happen with you and Shady, dear friend. I'm in your corner to stay, or as long as you want me there. The five months I was away from the blog circuit whizzed by, and I'm finding it easy and fun to catch up with great longtime friends like you. I'm glad I caught your last two Halloween posts because I know you go all out for that holiday every year. I can't wait to see your Thanksgiving decorations. My next post will appear in the days after T-giving, but I will surely stop by beforehand to see how you and your wonderful family celebrated it this year. I'm terribly sorry that one of your close friends is enduring an emotional struggle with her hubby in hospice care. Very often, a second marriage, that comes when both parties are more mature, results in a deeper commitment and a more lasting bond. Losing such a loving and devoted life partner can be devastating. I send prayers out to your friend. Yessum, the melancholy "April Come She Will" fits the mood you are in tonight, and I appreciate you giving it another listen.

      Thanks again for joining the fun, and please tell my sweetie-pie Annabelle that it was nice of her to dedicate that Freddy Cannon song to Falcor, friend Mary's dog in Las Vegas. I smell a love connection brewing between those two! :)

      Hang in there for your dear friend, as I know you will, and try to enjoy what remains of your weekend. Busy yourself with decorating for Thanksgiving and I'll see you later this month, dear friend YaYa!

  9. It has been tooooo long. I look forward to as many posts as you end up writing. You used one of my favorite Sam the Sham in the first post back. Glad that you are enjoying all the leaves and you are welcome to visit me and help rake. I am sure you would also enjoy helping to shovel the first snow.

    1. Hi, Jerre!

      Thanks for popping in for my first post in almost five months, good buddy! It's a good thing I have dozens of posts already produced (aka "in the can"), because I have, at least temporarily, lost my muse. I'm so doggone busy now that I have a new house and a new life in a new city, that it is hard for me to get my head back into the blogging game. I hope to continue our Saved By The Dell series without too many interruptions. It was originally conceived as a monthly feature, but with my new scaled-back publishing schedule, I will need to delay some volumes a month or more so that I can insert other types of posts. Hang in there with me.

      If I remember correctly, you went to see Sam The Sham at Hershey Park. I'm delighted to know that this rather obscure single by the band is one of your favorites. Prior to coming across this brilliantly remastered version on YouTube a short while back, I don't think I heard the song on radio since the 1960s. Thanks for mentioning it, since nobody else has.

      Ha! I'm wondering if I will even see snow this winter. At the barbershop the other day, they told me it hasn't snowed here the last two winters. With a strong El Nino in place, this winter might again be a bit warmer than normal. I will be highly disappointed if I came 1000+ miles and don't get a chance to take walks in the snow.

      Thanks again for your visit and comment, good buddy Jerre. I'll send you an alert on the eve of the next Saved post. Take care and have a great month!

  10. Well hello my friend. I hope I am not past the 3 day rule! I was out of town at a scrapbook event over the weekend and am just now catching up with blogs and things. I will totally understand if I missed the cutoff. Thanks so much for mentioning my Benny! He appreciates it.

    That Journey cover was really good. It is one of my favorites of theirs and Zero Hour did a quite respectable job on it.

    I have you bookmarked on my favorites list so I'll remember to check in now that I know you are back, even if not quite so frequently. I certainly can understand your limited schedule as in the past I had marveled at how thorough you are with your posts AND comments on my posts and wondered how you could keep it up. Again, glad to see you buddy! Have a great rest of your week.

    1. Hi, Janet!

      I'm excited to see you, dear friend! No, don't fret, you're just in time. I remain "on duty" at this hour and for the rest of the evening, as it is my day 3 on active blogger status. I'm glad you made it over before I go back into hiding for nearly three weeks. I hope you enjoyed your out of town scrapbook event and made some new friends and contacts.

      Yessum, your pooch Benny is now immortalized on the pages of Shady's Place. Apparently, Benny is sweet on Pat, friend Kelly's dog in Arkansas. :)

      I know you can be hard to please when it comes to cover versions of songs, and I am especially pleased that you like the job that female-fronted band from Akron, Ohio did on the classic hit by Journey.

      Thank you for understanding my rationale as choose to I slow down the pace of blogging so that I can do more living and get more accomplished in "the real world." I can tell you right now that my next post will appear immediately after Thanksgiving. If you have a new post running around that time, I will drop in at Janet's Smiles, read and comment and give you a heads-up about my new post. In the meantime, please take good care of yourself and my buddy Benny and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. See you at the end of the month, dear friend Janet!

  11. Hello and welcome back, dear Shady. I understand completely why you need to cut back on blogging. We only have so many hours in the day and as you hinted, we aren't getting any younger. I have had to step back from my computer lately too.

    I really enjoyed this line-up of songs. I don't remember most of them, but boy, they are great. Linda Scott has such a lovely voice and "Changes in Latitudes"... was perfect for this post of yours. What a cute song.

    I remember lining up around the block to see, "The Graduate," in San Bernardino, California. Of course, I loved it and found it romantic. I do not remember this song from the movie, but liked it very much. Zero Hour did a fantastic cover of their song. I laughed when the Dedication Song came on, I do vaguely remember that one. A lot of fun. "Oh That's Good..." I remember very well. It was also funny.
    Sorry I am late commenting. Blogger has also messed me up on it's site, I just have to check your blog once in awhile to see if there is anything new. My blog about my journey with God is still on Blogger and Wordpress, but I don't follow anyone but you. I don't have the time. I went on Twitter for awhile to see if I liked it and because Liz is on it. It's okay, but I don't think I like wasting time on it.

    I'm so happy for you that you can see the changing of the seasons. Growing up in California, the only color on the trees in the fall was brown. Not nice at all. I love the colors of the fall and Spring in Canada. I think the most beautiful to me is the pink flowers on trees in Vancouver in the Spring. When they fall on the streets, it looks like a wedding just took place.

    I wonder if you will get snow this year. It will be interesting for you to see if that happens. I'm glad for Kathy that you will have more time for her. I know Dan loves me to sit with him and watch TV sometimes during the day or evening. I used to not want to, to just play my video games. But then I saw how much it meant to him, so I do it now and am enjoying lots of Sci-fi shows on Disney and Marvel. We just started watching the new Star Trek TV show and love it. He still watches his Westerns and Action movies. I don't care for them. His only entertainment is TV. Well, I should be writing an email, not a comment!! Love you and God bless.

    1. Hi, Belle!

      I just now found your comment, my dear friend. Thank you very much for coming to see me as I return from my long blogging hiatus! I was just getting ready to email you, so be on the lookout for that message in the days ahead to go along with this reply. In it I will give you a more complete update on what's been happening in my life these last five months. Long story short - I am delighted to be here, loving the cool and cold weather and have not regretted for a moment our decision to move north.

      Thank you for understanding my need to slow down as a blogger after all these years. Although I will only be present and on "active duty" as a blogger three days a month from now on, my days remain busy and full. Mrs. Shady and I still have much to do in the way of furnishing and getting settled in our new house and becoming acquainted with our new home town. We feel right at home up here, much more so than we did down in Florida. Keep in mind that I originally lived in PA and Mrs. Shady is originally from Baltimore. She also lived in PA for a time as well as West Virginia and other parts of Maryland.

      I'm delighted that you enjoyed listening to the variety of songs I selected for this comeback post and the theme "Changes In Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes." As I might have told you at some point, I watched The Graduate three or four times in a row at a theater in State College, PA, to complete an assignment for my mass media course at Penn State. The professor asked us to write an essay about the groundbreaking film, and I decided to watch it several times in a single day. I took copious notes in a notebook held in my lap. My extra effort paid off. I got an "A" on my essay. Thanks for sharing that you loved the film and were willing to wait in a long line to see it as a California teenager living in San Berdoo. Here below is the scene from the movie that used "April Come She Will."


      I'm glad you appreciate the Journey cover by the Ohio-based band called Zero Hour and the fun "Dedication Song" by Freddy Cannon. In case you are wondering, Falcor, Annabelle, Pat, Benny and Harley are all names of blog friends' dogs. I am pleasantly surprised that you remember the seldom heard Sam The Sham song "Oh That's Good." I had forgotten all about the minor hit over these many decades.

      I am honored that Shady's Place is the only blog you choose to follow. What a great and faithful friend you have been all these years! I have never registered on Twitter ("X") and only tried Facebook for a few months before becoming disillusioned and dropping off. Now I am scaling back my only social media presence - blogging.

      Your description of fall leaves in California is similar to what we saw every year in Florida. Palm trees don't offer much in the way of color. It is a glorious sight here, my first up-close glimpse of autumn splendor in exactly 40 years! Like you, I am looking forward to springtime color as well. My barber told me there hasn't been any snow here the last two winters and the last significant snowstorm was in 2016. I hope we get some!

      Yessum, Mrs. Shady and I are enjoying more time together than we did in the past. I allowed blogging to take over my life, gobble up far too much of my time, and I must not allow it to get out of control again. We are looking forward to watching the final season of The Crown which begins this coming week. We also watch the detective series Cold Squad which is set in Vancouver. You should try it.

      Thank you again, ever so much, for taking time to reach out and write such a great comment. I will try to write you an email sometime tomorrow, so be on the lookout for it. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week and a thankful November. My next post will appear immediately after Thanksgiving.

      Love and blessings to you, dear sister-friend Belle!

  12. I actually like 8 Simple Rules but I stopped watching it after the dad died. It's just too sad for me. Glad you're back blogging!

    1. Hi, Lux!

      Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me back to the blog world, dear friend!

      I think you are the first and only person to mention John Ritter's TV family sitcom 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter. I watched it, too, and was stunned when news broke that Ritter died during production of an episode. As you might know, the "teenage daughter" referenced in the series title was played by Kaley Cuoco, who went on to greater fame as "Penny" on The Big Bang Theory. Hard to believe that Kaley will be 38 years old less than a week from now!

      Thank you again for your kind visit and comment, dear friend Lux!

  13. Wow, that was a LOT of change. I know what you mean, though. I'm pretty much down to a Sunday picture post, a Friday music post, and a Wednesday Bible Study. On the bright side, I won't have to worry about you everytime a hurricane forms in the Caribbean...

    1. Right you are, Chris. For nearly 40 years, I spent every spring, summer and fall on pins and needles wondering what the long Florida hurricane season would bring. Mrs. Shady and I are happy to be where we are now - well north of hurricane alley. That said, canes have been known to hit and devastate the mid-Atlantic states, so we aren't completely out of harm's way.

      Thanks for checking out my "comeback" post. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next Thursday, good buddy Chris!


I wanna know
What you're thinking
There are some things you can't hide
I wanna know
What you're feeling
Tell me what's on your mind