Pure Magic - the Shady Dell Attic: 100+ Years of History and Mystery!

          Having one of those days? Dampened spirits need a lift? You've come to the right place.

                          Spend a little time here at Shady's Place and feel better fast!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Decision 2020: Americans Head to the Polls...
Clearly the Stakes Have Never Been Higher!

Before you cast your vote...

think long and hard...
and ask the tough questions!

Is he the right man for the job?

In these uncertain times,
does he possess the qualities
we look for in a leader?

Can we trust his judgement?

(As this picture indicates, we most certainly can't!)

Most importantly, what did he know...
and when did he know it?

(ANSWER: nothing... and never.)

Tired of all the finger pointing?

On Tuesday make your vote count. 

 Shady Del Knight
back to
Shady's Place
for four more years as your host!

"And so my fellow Americans...
Ask not what Shady Del Knight can do for you...
Ask what you can do for Shady Del Knight."

I'm Shady Del Knight
and I approved this message.



  1. You got my vote.

    Now that I've endorsed you, am I going to get something in return? Ambassador to Hollywood sounds about right.

    1. Hi, Kirk!

      Thanks for voting early, good buddy, and for supporting the incumbent, Shady Del Knight, in the tight race to determine who will host Shady's Place the next four years. (Shady is facing a tough challenge from Pat Paulsen.)

      Yes indeed, I want you in my cabinet. If you behave, I might let you out. :)

      Thanks again for being the early bird, Kirk. Here's hoping you have a great November, good buddy, with only pleasant surprises!

  2. And it's not a popularity contest. Vote for the party that shares your principles.

    Already voted. Just waiting to see if we stay the course or drop into hell.

    1. Hi, Alex!

      Thanks for coming, good buddy. You narrowly missed taking the early bird spot this time around.

      I hope this means you share Shady Del Knight's "party every day" principles and agree with his progressive rock policies. If reelected, I promise to reunite the people by posting music to suit every taste.

      Thanks again for your visit and comment, good buddy Alex!

  3. Haha! Good show, good buddy! I love the old photo. I've been to the polls and, you've got my vote...keep up the great work!

    1. Hi, Suzanne!

      Thanks for the vote of confidence, dear friend! Yessum, my dad took that picture of me circa 1957/58 during the family's summer vacation in the mountains of Potter County in northern PA. Dad was fond of trick photography and sight gags and that pic is an example.

      I welcome the opportunity to keep you entertained for four more years. Thanks again for coming. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week, dear friend Suzanne!

  4. You get my total support as host here at Shady's Place. Pat's, too. (woof!)

    As for the "big one" on Tuesday.... keep in mind there is at least one woman on the ballot, so let's be careful with those pronouns! In reality, I voted over a week ago, so I've done my civic duty!

    1. Hi, Kelly (and buddy Pat)!

      Welcome to Election Central, dear friends! :)

      Thank you both for casting your votes for a true "man of the peep hole" - Shady Del Knight. :) If you stick with me, I pledge to do my best to keep you entertained over the next four years.

      It's good to know you already voted for realsies in the general election. So have I. Thanks again for coming over for a giggle and for your continued friendship and support, dear Kelly!

  5. Oh how I am crossing my fingers, toes, eyes, heart that Wednesday brings us some welcome news. You would be a great Pres, I'm sure. Happy November to you.

    Janet’s Smiles

    1. Hi, Janet!

      How are you, dear friend and kindred spirit? Thanks for coming over and offering words of hope and encouragement. The strain of waiting and wondering is getting to us all. We yearn for closure and an end to the chaos and madness.

      Thank you again for the vote of confidence, dear friend Janet. Happy November to you as well. Keep on smiling and keep those fingers, toes and eyes crossed for a favorable outcome by Wednesday or whenever the dust settles and the smoke clears.

  6. Well well, I sure have missed out on a lot! I guess I missed all your campaign events and debates Shady! but I don't need to hear or see any more than I already know -- You have my vote, my friend.
    Hope all is well in your world.
    All the best...Will look for your Victory Celebration next week!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Hi, One-L Michele!

      I'm surprised and delighted to see you here, dear friend! Thanks for coming by and endorsing me for four more years as Shady's Place host.

      All is as well as can be expected at this particular moment, Michele. I'm sure you know what I mean. I was just thinking about you earlier today and knowing very well what is on your mind and in your heart as we sprint toward the finish line. People are weary and on edge. Let us hope that we can all breath a collective sigh of relief sometime this week.

      Thank you again for your surprise visit, kind comment and vote, dear friend Michele!

  7. I am so scared that Bonzo will get in that I can’t watch on Tuesday and if he does lose, will he leave? I hope people vote for the person this time instead of the party. I hope they know Tang says what he knows some want to hear because he doesn’t care as long as he wins. He would never ever have an6 of these people over for dinner.

    1. Hi, Birgit!

      Thanks for coming down from Canada to make your voice heard, dear friend! I am counting on you and every other woman, man, child, cat and dog to vote (and vote OFTEN) for 4 more years of Shady.

      It's funny. I ran this same post four years ago on my old SDMM blog. I went there just now and read the 46 comments including yours. The tone, the mood, was different back then. In their comments, most people acknowledged the gag post and played along with it. This time, fewer people are exhibiting a sense of humor and instead using this as an opportunity to do some venting. I detect anger, bitterness and desperation. It goes to show how the mood of the people can change under four years of tyranny and authoritarian rule. I'm happy to know we have caring friends like you in Canada and other countries of the world who join us in praying for an end to this shameful chapter in American history. The soul of our nation - who we are as a people - is on the ballot. It's time to turn the page and restore honor, dignity and sanity to the White House.

      Thanks again for your kind visit and comment, dear friend BB!

  8. You definitely get my vote, Tom! I love your light-hardheartedness in these perilous days of decision making. My prayer is for God's hand to be in this election and the best candidate is put into office without any underhandedness afoot. I pray that this nation comes together instead of being divided. I am back from our staycation. I will do my best to get back into my usual blogging routine. Stay safe, be well, and have a blessed week, my friend!

    1. Hi, Cathy!

      Thanks for dropping by and lending your support to Shady's candidacy, dear friend! With the help of longtime friends like you, Shady will surely sweep to victory and continue on for another four year term as master emcee of Shady's Place.

      I'm glad you appreciate the fact that we all need to keep a sense of humor about life in general no matter which way the prevailing winds are blowing. If we lose our ability to laugh and have fun, then what's the use of it all? I value your friendship more than I can express.

      Thank you again for coming by and casting your vote for Shady, dear friend Cathy. Have a good week and a great month!

  9. Oh my gosh, I missed seeing your name on my ballot. However, you have my virtual vote. Rock on, dear Shady and let’s hope for a good outcome and a one America again.

    1. Hi, Arleen!

      I'm excited to see you, dear friend! Thank you very much for entering the booth and casting your vote for Shady Del Knight. (Yessum, my name appears on the ballot directly beneath that of Pat Paulsen, a candidate who mounted a fierce challenge with the backing of The Smothers Brothers. :)

      Arleen, I can't tell you how lucky I feel having acquired you as a new friend. If reelected I pledge to continue the good work of keeping you smiling, singing and dancing. It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it. :)

      I love the idea of bringing people together as one America again. I've got to believe it is possible and what most reasonable people want. It can only come about with the right kind of leaders working together and setting an example. I join you in hoping for a favorable outcome this week.

      Thank you again for your friendship and support, dear Arleen!

  10. I voted early but maybe they would let me go again so I could cast my vote for you! I do hope tomorrow goes smoothly and whatever the outcome this crazy time will be over and we can get back to business. If anyone would even question your integrity I would let them see your kind, thoughtful and also fun comments on my blog! I count you as a dear and good friend...blog or otherwise! Have a good week and I will be praying for this wonderful country. Take care Pres. Shady!

    1. Hi, YaYa!

      Thank you very much for coming over on the eve of the election and warming my heart with your sweet comment! I can't tell you how much your words mean to me, dear friend. I feel exactly the same about you. As I have stated many times before, I was blessed the day you reached out to me all those years ago.

      I share your wish that we bring election 2020 to a peaceful conclusion tomorrow and maintain calm and order in the days and weeks ahead. I think we are all worn down from the strain this year has put upon us. It's time for closure, rest and healing. I join you in praying for our country as we begin the next chapter in its colorful history.

      Again, thank you very much for expressing your support, YaYa. I cherish our friendship and look forward to serving your entertainment needs over the next four years. Take care, keep your spirits up, stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful week, dear friend!

  11. I was looking for the "None of the Above" choice on the Ballot and that wasn't there. I didn't think to write in Shady Dell Knight who keeps the people happy all the time. I can not believe that the good old USA could not find anyone better than the choices given. I'll just be glad when it is decided and over. Hopefully, people will live with and make the best of whoever wins.

    1. Hi, Jerre!

      Thanks for coming on election day, good buddy! As you might recall, I ran this same post four years ago on the eve of the 2016 election. Just now I went over to SDMM and read your comment on that post. You wrote almost the exact same thing back then. :) Truth be told, Joe Biden wasn't our first choice either. We were hoping for a more progressive candidate. But anything on two legs or even four legs would be better than Trump. Let's hope the American people get it right this time around and that the loser does the honorable thing and steps aside without inciting bloody riots.

      Thanks for checking in again this election cycle, good buddy Jerre, and for the vote of confidence for Shady to continue spreading good cheer through blogging. I appreciate your support!

  12. You got my vote, dear friend! I like how you're non-partisan and make it about the collective "We, the People."

    First Blogger, next your State, then the White House!

    1. Hi, Jessica Marie!

      I'm happy to see you, dear friend! Thanks for coming over and casting your vote for "The Man of the Peep Hole" - Shady Del Knight. (Yessum, unless SCOTUS overturns my ruling, your vote will still be counted until my new post is published tomorrow at 5 am Eastern.) As I reminded other readers, I ran this same post four years ago and some of you were already following me then. Here's what you wrote in 2016:

      << Shady, you have my vote! Can I write you in for president as well? >>

      It's nice to know you continue to trust Shady with your blog entertainment needs and want to send him back to Shady's Place as host for four more years.

      I hope you are effectively coping with your sad memories at this time of year. Thanks again for visiting and enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend JM!

  13. I'm voting for Shady. He'd never drink from a poison cup!

    1. Hi, Cheryl-Lee!

      Thanks for coming over and exercising your right to vote (for SHADY), dear friend! :) As I told others, I ran this same post just before the 2016 election. I went back just now and checked that post on my old blog and was happy to discover that you and I already knew each other by that time and that you voted for me. Thank you for giving me a mandate in 2020 to continue my good work for four more years! :)

      My dad took that picture of me while we were vacationing in the mountains circa 1957/58. Dad loved gag photo compositions. Instructing me to pretend I was drinking from a contaminated well is an example.

      Thanks again for joining the fun, dear friend Cheryl-Lee!

  14. Shady for President :) Love, cat.

    1. Hi, cat!

      Thanks for making the trip across the border and into the good old USA and casting your vote for Shady. It's sweet of you to consider me for an even higher office than blog host. :)

      As I have been reminding other readers, I published this same gag post four years ago on the eve of the 2016 election. Here's what you wrote that day:

      << It's pretty clear who will win the presidential election, friend Shady. Since Hilary lost last time to Obama, she will win this time. Donald was just put there for entertainment purposes. It's clear as mud. I'm glad the circus is over tomorrow. Love, cat. >>

      As history shows, too many Americans in strategic locations love a circus and would rather be entertained than have a Chief Executive with leadership experience. Still reeling from that bitter setback, we are hoping Mr. Biden will prevail in 2020 and the illustrious Mr. Entertainment will bow out peacefully.

      Thanks again for your friendship and support all these years, dear friend cat!


I wanna know
What you're thinking
There are some things you can't hide
I wanna know
What you're feeling
Tell me what's on your mind