It is another important date
on the Shady Dell calendar.
Today we remember and honor
Margaret Brown Schneider,
precious child of the Dell.
Blessed with longevity,
Margaret earned the
nickname The Oldest
Living Dell Rat as she
approached and then
passed the century mark.
Margaret died four years ago
at the age of 105. Last month
as we celebrated Margaret's
109th birthday, I posted old
songs Margaret might have
known in her youth. Today,
as we remember Margaret
on the date of her death,
I offer a few more songs
I think she would enjoy.
Our dear Margaret would be the first
to remind you not to dwell on your
setbacks and losses. To remember
Margaret today, here's a song that
urges you to leave your worries on
the doorstep and direct your feet to
the sunny side of the street. Written
in 1930 when Margaret was 18, the
song was introduced in the Broad-
way musical Lew Leslie's Inter-
national Revue. To sing it here
are the Five DeMarco Sisters,
the close harmony group from
Rome, New York, that was a hit
on radio, TV and film from the
30s thru the 60s. In early 1953
the sister act performed the
song with host Kate Smith
on The Kate Smith Hour.
"On The Sunny Side Of The Street"
Kate Smith and The Five DeMarco Sisters
(perf. on Jan. 30, 1953, ep. of The Kate Smith Hour)

Last month on Margaret's birthday
you saw Tatiana Eva-Marie and
her Avalon Jazz Band perform
"Fit As A Fiddle," a popular
standard best known for
being featured in the
1952 movie musical
Singing in the Rain.
I'd like you to hear
how the famous title
song sounded back
in 1929, the year
Margaret (right)
was 17 years old.
I present to you The Brox Sisters, a trio of singing siblings that was popular in
the 1920s and 30s. In this rare clip, The Brox Sisters along with the cast of the
film Hollywood Revue of 1929 perform a grand rendition of "Singing in the Rain."
"Singing in the Rain" - The Brox Sisters
and cast of film Hollywood Revue of 1929.
the close harmony singing trio of the 1930s jazz and swing era. Today
I present The Shout Sisters, a London-based three-part vocal harmony
group that pays musical tribute to The Boswell Sisters and other
girl groups of the early and mid 20th century. Let's peek over
their shoulders as The Shout Sisters, Louise Messenger,
Noelle Davies-Brock and Elise Roth, gather 'round
the piano and practice their Boswell Sisters
arrangement of "Lullabye of Broadway,"
a song introduced in the musical
film Gold Diggers of 1935.
"Lullabye Of Broadway" - The Shout Sisters
(January 2021)

At the start of 1932, Louis Armstrong had a hit with the popular song

At the start of 1932, Louis Armstrong had a hit with the popular song
and jazz standard "All Of Me." Some say Billie Holiday's 1941
version is definitive. Here again are The Shout Sisters,
the amazing retro girl group from the UK, doing
their outstanding rendition of "All Of Me."
"All Of Me" - The Shout Sisters
It's a Shout Sisters triple play! Watch & listen as they do "Bye Bye Blues,"
a popular song and jazz standard written and published in 1925 when
our dear Margaret Schneider was 13 years old. The most successful
version of the song was recorded in 1952 by Les Paul and Mary Ford.
In a performance staged earlier this year, these wonderful warblers,
The Shout Sisters, are backed by the Brighton band The Swing Ninjas.
"Bye Bye Blues" - The Swing Ninjas
"Bye Bye Blues" - The Swing Ninjas
featuring The Shout Sisters